Managing automation suites

Automation suites define a group of related automated tests that run together. You can add suites based on functional area, specific testing type, or any logical organization that supports your testing needs. We recommend creating smaller, focused automation suites to make it easier to understand results and take any additional action needed for tests that fail or have undetermined results. For example, you may have an Alpha Tests automation suite that groups all test to run for the Alpha phase of a project.

In Helix ALM, an automation suite contains:

An automation suite contains:

  • Details about the group of automated tests.
  • Test cases related to the automated tests.
  • Builds and automated test results.
  • Other data, such as run configurations, which are used to run builds in Jenkins from Helix ALM.

See Adding automation suites for information about adding suites.

You can automatically or manually associate automated test results with test cases in automation suites. This makes it easy to view summarized and detailed results for builds and each test related to a test case for a specific testing area, identify failures, and pinpoint areas that are not yet tested. See Viewing builds.

You can also optionally run an automation suite to run a build in Jenkins directly from Helix ALM. See Running Jenkins automation suites from Helix ALM.