Running baseline differences reports

When you are viewing differences between two baselines, you can run reports that include the differences information in HTML or PDF format.

The following reports are available.

Report name Contains:
Baseline Differences - Contents A list of differences between items in both baselines. Also includes a table of the changed, added, removed, unchanged items and totals for each item type included in the report.
Baseline Differences - Grouped Contents A list of differences between items in both baselines grouped by item type. You can expand and collapse the item sections. Also includes a table of the changed, added, removed, unchanged items and totals for each item type included in the report.
Baseline Differences - Summary A table of the changed, added, removed, unchanged items and totals for each item type included in the report.

Each report also includes the following information.

  • User, date, and time the report was run
  • Names of baselines compared in the report
  • Descriptions for each baseline
  • Date each baseline was added

1. View differences between two baselines. See Viewing differences between baselines.

The Baseline Differences page opens.

2. Select any Display Options. The report only contains information included on the Baseline Differences page based on the display options. The report indicates if any item types are excluded.

3. Click .

4. Mouse over the report name to run and click HTML or PDF depending on the report format you want. You can also click the report name to run the report in HTML format.

  • If running an HTML report, it opens in the browser. If you run a Contents report, you can download it to Microsoft Excel as plain text. Click Download Excel File in the report.
  • If running a PDF report, the Save Report As PDF dialog box opens. Select the report options and click Save. See Saving reports as PDF files.

Note:  In the Contents and Grouped Contents reports, click the item tag and summary to view the specific item differences.