Using item list tabs

If you frequently change information displayed in an item list, use tabs to quickly switch between multiple instances of the same list. For example, you can add tabs to the Issues list to view multiple Issues lists with different columns, filters, and sorting. You can save tabs to use them again later.

Note:  The Folders list does not support tabs.

  • To view a tab, click it in the item list. Default tabs set by the administrator may be displayed the first time you open a list. Otherwise, all items are displayed on the All tab.
  • To rearrange tabs, drag them left or right.
  • To add a new tab, click the Add Tab button in the tab area. Another instance of the current item list opens in the new tab. The default name is Tab <#> based on the number of open tabs.
  • To rename a tab, click the Tabs menu and choose Rename Current Tab. See Renaming the current item list tab.
  • To customize a tab to display only information you need, you can rearrange, sort, insert, and remove columns and apply a filter. See Customizing item lists.
  • To save the current tab, click the Tabs menu and choose Add Saved Tab. See Saving the current item list tab.
  • To manage saved tabs, click the Tabs menu and choose Manage Saved Tabs. You can add, edit, duplicate, and delete saved tabs. You may also be able to share tabs with other users, change the owner, and set default tabs for security groups. See Managing saved item list tabs.
  • To remove the current tab, click the View More Options button and choose Remove Current Tab. You can also mouse over the tab and click the Close Tab button. If only one tab is open, you cannot close it.