Working with test cases

Test cases include all information a tester needs to successfully perform a test, including a description, conditions, detailed steps, expected results, and other test data. This information is used to determine if a product component works correctly and meets the specified requirements. Each test case should focus on only one component or requirement.

Add new test cases to capture test details and track all information throughout a test case's lifecycle, including steps and expected results, test variants for manual testing, file attachments, associated automated test results, related manual test runs, related email, workflow, links to other Helix ALM items, and history.

See Adding test cases for information.

Test cases can be used for both automated and manual testing. In a test case, select the Automated Test option to indicate the test case is used exclusively for automated testing. If a test case is flagged as an automated test, you can easily differentiate between test cases used for manual or automated testing in the following areas:

  • Test cases list – Icons indicate if a test case is manual or automated.
  • Folders list – The Item Type column displayed Manual Test Case or Automated Test case. Icons in the Type column also indicate if a test case is manual or automated.