Test case and manual test run markup codes

Markup codes indicate the type of line in test case and manual test run information displayed in text format. These codes are used when:

Test case codes

Code Indicates: Example Notes
* Step *Start the application.  
+ Expected result +The application opens. Must follow a step, expected result, or step note.
^ Expected result attachment ^123 [LoginDialog.jpg]

^123s [mainline::mainline/test/log.txt]
Must follow a step or expected result. A step or expected result can only have one attachment line. Separate multiple attachments in a line with a semicolon. The file attachment record ID follows the code and the attachment filename is in brackets. Source control file attachment IDs are appended with an 's' (e.g., 8s). A hyperlink to the attachment is automatically created.
# Comment #The list should not include inactive projects. Must precede or follow a step.
@ Shared test case @23 [TC-15] The number following the code is the test case record ID and the text in the brackets is the test case number. A hyperlink to the test case is automatically created.
## Step note ##The password is admin. Must follow a step. Step notes are only included in manual test runs generated in detail grid view. If manual test runs are generated in grid or text view, step notes are converted to comments.

Tip:  You can manually add shared test case steps and attachments in text view, but it is easier to click Insert Shared Steps or the Insert Attachment button because the record ID is automatically inserted.

Manual test run codes

Manual test run codes are automatically added to manual test run data when results are saved. They are not used when entering manual test run results.

Code Indicates: Example
~ Step result ~2;1;2011-03-10T10:07:34-00:00

The first parameter (2) indicates the step result - 0: Not Yet Run, 1: Passed, 2: Failed, 3: Undetermined. The second parameter (1) indicates the record ID for the user who entered the step result. The third parameter (2011-03-10T10:07:34-00:00) indicates the date/time the step result was set.
? Actual result ?The login dialog box did not open.
% Actual result attachment %123 [LoginDialog.jpg]
! Problem statement !An error was displayed instead of the login dialog box.