Replying to email

You can reply to tracked email from Helix ALM. The email includes a code that tracks your reply with the related item. The reply is sent to Helix ALM and the users you are replying to, and added to the related item.

Note:  You can also reply to tracked email using an external email application.

1. Click the Email tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

2. Select the email to reply to and click Reply All to reply to all To and Cc recipients, including the sender, or click Reply to only reply to the sender.

The Send Email dialog box opens.

  • The To and Cc fields contain the recipients you are replying to. Click To, Cc, or Bcc to select additional recipients. See Searching for users and customers in fields.
  • The Subject field contains the original email subject.
  • The message body contains the original email message.

3. Make any changes.

4. Click Send.

The email is sent and added to the item. You can view tracked email on the item Email tab. See Viewing email.