Ranking items in folders
You can rank items to indicate the priority or order of the items in a folder. For example, Agile teams may rank items in a backlog folder to indicate the priority of items to complete in a sprint.
Item ranking is displayed in the Rank column
Instead of ranking items in test case and manual test run suites, you order them. See Ordering items in manual test suites.
1. Select the folder in the Folders list when the List or Task Board tab is selected, and click Rank Items.
The Rank Items dialog box opens.
2. Select an item and click Move to First, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Last to change the rank. You can also drag and drop items to change the rank to apply the rank.
3. Click Save to save the ranking.
The updated item rankings are displayed in the folder.
If items are added while you are ranking, they are appended to the end of the list. If you move ranked items to a different folder, the ranking is maintained in the destination folder. If the destination folder already contains ranked items, the items are appended to the end of the list.