Issue field codes

A field code is a variable that is replaced with a specific field value. You can use the following field codes for issue fields.

Field Field code
Actual Hours %ACTHR%
Changes with Differences (HTML) %CHNGHTML%
Changes %CHNG%
Closed By %DCLB%
Closed Date %DCLD%
Component %COMP%
Created By %CREB%
Creation Method %CREL%
Current Assignment By %DCAB%
Current Assignment Date %DCAD%
Currently Assigned To %DCAT%
Date Created %CRED%
Date Entered State %DTENS%
Date Entered %ENTD%
Date Found - All Found by records %FNDD_ALL%
Date Found - First Found by record %FNDD%
Date Found - Last Found by record %FNDD_LAST%
Date Modified %MODD%
Description - All Found by records %DESC_ALL%
Description - First Found by record %DESC%
Description - Last Found by record %DESC_LAST%
Disposition %DISP%
Entered By %ENTB%
Estimated Hours %ESTHR%
Folder Paths %FOLDER_PATHS%
Folders %FOLDS%
Found by - All Found by records %FNDB_ALL%
Found by - First Found by record %FNDB%
Found by - Last Found by record %FNDB_LAST%
Found by Company - All Found by records %RBYC_ALL%
Found by Company - First Found by record %RBYC%
Found by Company - Last Found by record %RBYC_LAST%
Found by Department - All Found by records %RBDE_ALL%
Found by Department - First Found by record %RBDE%
Found by Department - Last Found by record %RBDE_LAST%
Found by Division - All Found by records %RBDI_ALL%
Found by Division - First Found by record %RBDI%
Found by Division - Last Found by record %RBDI_LAST%
Found by Email - First Found by record %FNDBY_EMAIL%
Found by Email - Last Found by record %FNDBY_EMAIL_LAST%
Found by First Name - First Found by record %FNDBY_FIRST_NAME%
Found by First Name - Last Found by record %FNDBY_FIRST_NAME_LAST%
Found by Group - All Found by records %FNDG_ALL%
Found by Group - First Found by record %FNDG%
Found by Group - Last Found by record %FNDG_LAST%
Found by Phone 1 - First Found by record %FNDBY_PHONE1%
Found by Phone 1 - Last Found by record %FNDBY_PHONE1_LAST%
Found by Phone 2 - First Found by record %FNDBY_PHONE2%
Found by Phone 2 - Last Found by record %FNDBY_PHONE2_LAST%
Has Attachments %DFFIL%
Has Broken Links %LNKB%
Has Calculation Error %CLCER%
Has Emails %HEML%
Has Jira Issues %HAS_EXT_ITEMS_3001%
Has Links %LINK%
Has Release Notes %RELH%
Has Source Control Files %DFSCC%
Has Workaround %WRKH%
HTTP Hyperlink %HTTPURL%
Is Child in Link %LNKC%
Is Locked %VLOCK%
Is Marked As Suspect %SUSPT%
Is Parent in Link %LNKP%
Jira Issues %EXT_ITEMS_3001%
Link IDs %LNKID%
Linked Issues %LNKISSUES%
Linked Items %LNKITEMS%
<link definition> Linked Items %LNKITEMS_LNK<link definition record ID>% (e.g., %LNKITEMS_LNK1%)
Linked Requirement Documents %LNKDOCUMENTS%
Linked Requirements %LNKREQUIREMENTS%
Linked Test Cases %LNKTESTCASES%
Linked Manual Test Runs %LNKTESTRUNS%
Modified By %MODB%
Number of Broken Links %BKLNK%
Number of Links %NMLNK%
Number Reported %NUMR%
Number %DNUM%
Other Hardware and Software %HWSW%
Percent Done %PERDN%
Priority %PRIO%
Product %PROD%
Project Name (from Project Options) %PRNM%
Project Name %PROJNAME%
Reference %REFR%
Remaining Hours %REMHR%
Reproducible %REPR%
Severity %SEVR%
Source Control Files %SRCFILE%
Source Control Files (condensed) %SRCFILECON%
State Attribute %DFSA%
Status %STAT%
Steps to Reproduce %STEP%
Story Points %STPTS%
Summary %SUMM%
Test Config (value pulled from Computer Config list) %TCFG%
TTStudio Hyperlink %TTSTUDIOURL%
Type %TYPE%
Variance %VARNC%
Version Found - All Found by records %FNDV_ALL%
Version Found - First Found by record %FNDV%
Version Found - Last Found by record %FNDV_LAST%
Workaround %WORK%