Viewing field layouts a specific user sees

If a specific user is having problems with a field layout or you want to see which layout a user sees based on their security group, you can view the layout they use. For requirement layouts, you can see the layout used for each requirement type in a list.

1. Click Administration.

The Admin Home page opens.

2. Click Field Layouts.

The Field Layouts page opens.

3. Select an Item type.

4. Click Select users layout.

The Find User's Layout dialog box opens.

5. Enter a value to search for in the Search field. The search is not case sensitive.

The following fields are searched: Last name, First name, Middle initial, Company, Division, Department, Security groups, and Address.

6. Expand the Advanced options to search for values in specific fields.

Note:  If the Search field contains a value, it is used in combination with the advanced search criteria when the search is performed.

7. Click Search.

The search results are displayed. Click Clear to clear the search criteria and results.

8. Select a user in the search results.

9. Click Find Layout.

The layout the user sees is selected in the list. If you are viewing requirement layouts, the layouts the user sees for each requirement type are selected.