Configuring requirement types

When users add requirements, they must select a requirement type, such as business or functional requirement. You can configure the requirement types your team uses to categorize requirements based on their purpose and manage groups of requirements more effectively.

Helix ALM includes default requirement types that you can use or modify. See Default requirement types. You can also add other types for the requirements your team uses.

1. Click Administration.

The Admin Home page opens.

2. Click Requirement Types.

The Requirement Types page opens.

Tip:  You can also configure requirement types when selecting a type in the Add Requirement dialog box. Click Configure Requirement Types.

3. Click Add to create a new requirement type. See Adding requirement types.

4. To edit a requirement type, click the name. See Editing and deleting requirement types.

5. To change the order that requirement types are displayed in, click Order. See Reordering requirement types.

Requirement types are displayed in different areas of Helix ALM, such as fields. You may want to move more frequently used types to the top of the list.

6. To inactivate a requirement type that is no longer used, select it and click Inactivate. See Inactivating requirement types.

7. To delete a requirement type, select it and click Delete. See Editing and deleting requirement types.