Configuring custom fields

Custom fields let you capture additional information in items. For example, you can configure a custom dropdown field for requirements where users can select the requirement owner.

You can add up to 100 custom fields per item type in a project. See Custom field types for a list of available field types.

If you need to configure test variants, see Configuring test variant fields.

Note:  You can configure calculated custom fields in the desktop client. Calculated fields generate values based on other field input values. See information about configuring calculated custom fields.

You can also configure draft custom fields in the desktop client. You can use draft fields to set up or edit custom fields without affecting existing items. Draft fields are not active in the project when changes are saved. See information about creating draft custom fields.

1. Click Administration.

The Admin Home page opens.

2. Click Custom Fields.

The Custom Fields page opens.

3. Select an Item type. The fields displayed depend on the selected type.

4. Click Add to add a custom field to existing items in the project. See Adding custom fields.

5. To edit a field, click the field name. See Editing custom fields.

6. To change the order that fields are displayed in items, click Order. See Reordering custom fields.

On Add, Edit, and View item pages, custom fields are displayed in the order they are configured in the field layout assigned to the user's security group, not the order they are listed on the Custom Fields page. If custom fields in items do not follow the order you want to use, update the order in the field layout. See Editing field layouts.

7. To delete a field, mouse over it and click . See Deleting custom fields.