Adding links

Add links to establish relationships between items. See Linking examples for examples of different uses for linking items.

Tip:  If you want to link an automated test result to another item type, make sure the result is associated with a test case first for full traceability. See Associating automated test results with test cases for more information. Automated test results can be linked to any item type, but cannot be in a link only with other automated test results.

1. Select the items to link in the list, click Actions, and choose Add Link.

If you want to link different item types, such as issues and test cases, select one item in a list. You can select the other item type when you create the link.

The Add Link dialog box opens.

2. Select a link Definition to specify the type of relationship between the items. A description of the selected definition is displayed.

3. Enter a Comment about the link, such as the reason for linking the items. The comment is displayed on the Traceability tab.

4. If you are adding a parent/child link, click Set as parent next to the item to make the parent.

5. Click Add additional items to add additional items to the link. See Adding items to existing links.

Note:  You cannot select automated test results when adding additional items to a link. You can only link test results to other items when working with test results in other areas of Helix ALM.

6. Select an item and click Remove to remove it from the link or Remove All to remove all items.

If you remove a parent item, the next item in the list becomes the parent.

7. Click Add to add the link.

Note:  To view links, click the Traceability tab when viewing or editing items. See Working with item links.