Configuring web servers for the Helix ALM License Server Web Admin Utility

The Helix ALM License Server Web Admin Utility requires a set of HTML files and CGI scripts, which are hosted and configured on a web server. See Helix ALM License Server Supported Web Servers for a list of supported web servers. The utility components can be installed during Helix ALM installation.

After installation, you need to configure the web server before administrative users can use the utility. See the following information to configure your web server.

If you use IIS, you can also configure single sign-on for the license server web admin utility to let users log in using their network credentials. See the license server admin help for information.

Security notes

  • Login credentials sent from the Helix ALM License Server Web Admin Utility to the CGI are not encrypted, even if encryption is enabled on the server. We strongly recommend configuring HTTPS to encrypt communication from the browser to the CGI on the web server. See your web server documentation for information about configuring and using HTTPS.
  • Clickjacking can occur when hackers use transparent frames or iframes to embed content in web pages to trick users into clicking buttons or hyperlinks on a different web page in another domain or application. To protect your data and prevent clickjacking in Helix ALM Web and the license server web admin utility, configure the web server that hosts them to include X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy HTTP response headers. See Preventing Clickjacking Attempts on Helix ALM Web Clients for information.