Upgrading Helix ALM
We recommend performing a full upgrade of all client and server applications, and other components for all major and maintenance Helix ALM releases. Upgrades update executables and drivers, but do not affect existing data files. If you need upgrade help, contact Perforce Support.
Preparing for the upgrade
1. Review the release notes for information about new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and important upgrade information.
2. Check the system requirements to make sure computers you are installing Helix ALM components on have the required space, memory, and other resources to run efficiently.
3. If you are upgrading from TestTrack 2011.1 or earlier, review additional steps required to prepare databases for upgrading.
4. Download the installer for the current Helix ALM version.
Performing the upgrade
The time it takes to upgrade depends on the components you are installing and your data.
1. Stop the Helix ALM License Server and Helix ALM Server.
2. Back up your license server database and Helix ALM databases and projects.
3. Run the Helix ALM installer. You may be prompted to overwrite existing files, such as SOAP or HTML files. Always overwrite these files to ensure that Helix ALM works correctly after the upgrade.
4. Start the license server and Helix ALM Server applications. The server databases are automatically upgraded when the servers start.
5. Upgrade projects if needed. Helix ALM can automatically upgrade projects when the server starts or you can manually upgrade them. See Upgrading projects.
After upgrading
If users cannot log in after upgrading, make sure a license is assigned to the user and that maintenance for the license is not expired. See Users Cannot Log In After Upgrading.