Traceability reports

Helix ALM includes the following built-in traceability reports. See Adding traceability reports.

Report name Description
Detailed Requirement Forward Traceability Displays the relationships between the selected requirements, the test cases and manual test runs associated with those requirements, and any issues reported for the test cases. It also includes the other requirements and requirement documents each requirement is linked to, and its parent and child requirements.
Requirement Document Forward Traceability Displays the relationships between requirements within the selected requirement documents, the test cases associated with the requirements, and any issues reported for the test cases.
Requirement Document Impact Displays the hierarchical relationships between the requirements within the selected requirement documents and any requirements, issues, test cases, or manual test runs linked to the requirements.
Requirement Folder Coverage Displays detailed status information about the manual test runs generated for all test cases associated with the selected requirements, organized by folder. Requires a test case management license to view the manual test runs.
Requirement Forward Traceability Displays the relationships between the selected requirements, the test cases associated with the requirements, and any issues reported for the test cases.
Requirement Test Case Coverage Displays detailed status information about the test cases generated for the selected requirements. Requires a test case management license to view the test cases.
Requirement Test Coverage Summary Displays the number of test cases associated with the selected requirements, the number of generated manual test runs, and the status of the manual test runs. Requires a test case management license to view the test cases and manual test runs.
Requirement Test Run Coverage Displays detailed status information about the manual test runs generated for all test cases associated with the selected requirements. Requires a test case management license to view the manual test runs.
Test Case Backwards Traceability Displays the relationships between the selected test cases and the requirements the test cases were generated for. Requires a requirements management license to view the requirements.