Traceability report stylesheets

The following stylesheets are used to create traceability reports. The stylesheet is automatically applied based on the report selected on the Report On tab in the Add Traceability Report dialog box. Traceability report stylesheets are generally located in the StyleSheets/Custom directory in the Helix ALM application directory on the Helix ALM Server computer.

Report name Stylesheet name Includes:
Detailed Requirement Forward Traceability Report RequirementForwardTraceabilityReportDetailed.xslt Requirements, test cases and manual test runs linked to each requirement, issues linked to each test case, other requirements and requirement documents each requirement is linked to, and any parent and child requirements in grid format. Requirement and test case summary information and issue status information is displayed.
Requirement Document Forward Traceability RequirementDocumentForwardTraceabilityReport.xslt Requirements included in requirement documents by type, the test cases linked to each requirement, and the issues linked to each test case in grid format. Issue status is also displayed.
Requirement Document Impact RequirementDocumentImpactReport.xslt All requirements in a requirement document and any items linked to the requirements in hierarchical outline format. Includes tag, summary, risk, difficulty, and status information.
Requirement Folder Coverage RequirementFolderCoverageReport.xslt Information about manual test runs generated from test cases linked to requirements, organized by folder. Includes the total number of linked manual test runs, the manual test run completion status and results, and the folder. The report can be filtered by folder. A test case management license is required to view the manual test runs.
Requirement Forward Traceability RequirementForwardTraceabilityReport.xslt Requirements, test cases linked to each requirement, and issues linked to each test case in grid format. Requirement and test case summary information and issue status information is displayed.
Requirement Test Coverage Summary RequirementTestRunCoverageSummary.xslt The number of test cases associated with the selected requirements, the number of generated manual test runs, and the status of the manual test runs. Requires a test case management license to view the test cases and manual test runs.
Requirement Test Case Coverage RequirementTestCaseCoverageReport.xslt Information about each test case linked to requirements including test case steps and expected results, the total number of linked manual test runs, and the manual test runscompletion status and results. A test case management license is required to view the test cases.
Requirement Test Run Coverage RequirementTestRunCoverageReport.xslt Information about each manual test run generated from test cases linked to requirements Includes the total number of linked manual test runs, the manual test run completion status and results, and the manual test run set. The report can be filtered by manual test run set. A test case management license is required to view the manual test runs.
Test Case Backwards Traceability TestCaseBackwardsTraceabilityReport.xslt A list of test cases and the requirements the test cases are linked to in grid format. A requirements management license is required to view the requirements.