Adding shared steps from other test cases

You can share steps between test cases, making it easy to use a set of steps in multiple tests and reduce maintenance effort when steps change. When you add shared steps, a hyperlink to the shared test case is added to the test case steps. When manual test runs are generated, all steps from the shared test case and any attachments are included in the manual test runs.

By default, a link is created between the test cases when you add shared steps. The link is displayed on the test case Links tab. If you remove shared steps from a test case, the link is also removed.

Note:  The Helix ALM administrator can configure linking options in the item mapping rules. See Configuring item mapping rules.

1. Click the Steps tab when you are adding or editing a test case.

2. Select the line to add the test case steps to and click Insert Shared Steps.

The Insert Shared Steps from Test Cases dialog box opens.

3. Select the test case to add.

To find a test case, you can search, go to a specific test case number, apply a filter, or select the <Recent Items> filter to view a list of recently accessed test cases.

4. Select a Definition to use to link the test cases. This option may not be available depending on the item mapping rules for shared test cases.

5. Click Insert.

A hyperlink to the selected test case is added to the test case steps. Click the link to view the test case.

6. Save the test case.

  • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Click Apply to save and continue working on the test case.