Adding run-time test variant values for manual test runs

Test variants are variable attributes of a tested application, such as operating systems, databases, or client types. In manual test runs, you can add additional variant values to indicate areas covered during testing that were not already indicated.

For example, you are testing a Windows application that supports multiple languages. The project includes two test variants: Operating System and Language. A manual test run is generated based on the Windows value in the Operating System test variant. No values are selected for the Language test variant. To indicate that you only tested the English version of the application, you can add the English value as a run-time variant to the manual test run.

Note:  Additional manual test runs are not created when you add test variant values to a manual test run.

1. Click the Variants tab when you are editing a manual test run.

2. Click Add Variant Info in the Additional Run-Time Test Variant Values area.

The Add Additional Variant dialog box opens.

3. Select a Variant.

The corresponding variant values are displayed.

4. Select the variant Values to include.

Click Select All to select all values or Select None to clear the selected values.

5. Click OK.

The selected values are added to the Additional Run-Time Test Variant Values area.

6. Save the manual test run.

  • Click OK to save and close the manual test run.
  • Click Apply to save and continue working on the manual test run.