Selecting interactive criteria when running matrix reports

Matrix reports may include restrictions in the Items To Display options that prompt you to select a folder or requirement document when previewing or running the report. Using these interactive restrictions lets you select folders and documents without specifying them in the report settings, which helps you configure more flexible reports that can be reused.

Tip:  To make a restriction interactive, select the Prompt for folder at run time or Prompt for document at run time option when adding or editing a matrix report. See Adding matrix reports.

1. The Interactive Matrix Report Wizard opens when you preview or run a matrix report with interactive restrictions.

The default interactive restriction options from the report settings are displayed. A default folder or document may be selected, but you can change it. There may a combination of folders and documents to select and may be more than one of each.

2. To select a folder to report on, click Browse in the Folder field. Select Recursive to include child folders of the selected folder.

3. To select a document to report on, click Browse in the Requirement Document field.

4. Click Finish.

The report runs using the information you selected.