Release status report stylesheets

The following stylesheets are used to create release status reports. The stylesheet is automatically applied based on the report selected on the Report On tab in the Add Release Status Report dialog box. Release status report stylesheets are generally located in the StyleSheets/Custom directory in the Helix ALM application directory on the Helix ALM Server computer.

Report name Stylesheet name Includes:
Burn Down Chart BurnDownChartReport.xslt A chart that displays the work left for a release versus the time available in a project in hours or story points. Displays the burn down, remaining effort, actual effort, and estimated effort to complete. The backlog is generally displayed on the vertical axis and time is displayed on the horizontal axis. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Burn Up Chart BurnUpChartReport.xslt A chart that displays the work completed for a release versus the time available in a project in hours or story points. Displays the estimated and actual scope, actual hours, and predicted effort (trend). The effort is generally displayed on the vertical axis and time is displayed on the horizontal axis. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Cumulative Flow Chart CumulativeFlowChartReport.xslt A chart that displays the estimated effort for completion of each item in a release grouped by each development phase (Not Started, In Progress, Done, and Accepted). Hours are displayed on the vertical axis and days, weeks, or months are displayed on the horizontal axis. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Folder Task Board FolderTaskBoardReport.xslt A task board that displays columns and rows for each folder in an iteration. Items in folders are organized in columns based on their status in the current development phase (Not Started, In Progress, Done, and Accepted). Displays any available time tracking information for each item. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Folder Task Board Alternate Style FolderTaskBoardAlternateStyleReport.xslt
Folder Task Board With Configurable Columns FolderTaskBoardWithConfigurableColumns.xslt A task board that displays columns and rows for each folder in an iteration. Items in folders are organized in configurable columns based on the workflow states mapped to each column in the report configuration. Displays any available time tracking information for each item. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Release Status by Item ReleaseStatusReport.xslt Items in release folders and the workflow events that affected time tracking information. Displays the story points, estimated hours, actual hours, remaining hours, percent complete, and difference in estimated versus actual hours for each item. Optionally includes a chart that displays the estimated time to completion, percent complete, or number of items. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Release Status by Specification Document RequirementDocumentReleaseStatus.xslt Requirements in a requirement document and any items linked to the requirements in hierarchical outline format. Tag, summary, status, and time tracking information (story points, estimated hours, actual hours, remaining hours, and percent complete) is also displayed for each item.
Release Status by User ReleaseStatusByUserReport.xslt Items in release folders grouped by user and workflow events that affected time tracking information. Displays the estimated hours, actual hours, remaining hours, percent complete, and difference in estimated versus actual hours for each item. Optionally includes a chart that displays the estimated time to completion, percent complete, or number of items. Requires a folder with release planning enabled.
Velocity Chart VelocityChartReport.xslt A chart that displays estimated hours, story points, and man hours for release folders and the average rate that teams are completing work for each iteration versus estimates. The chart includes the velocity or efficiency of estimated hours or story points. Hours or story points are displayed on the vertical axis and folders are displayed on the horizontal axis.