Locking items

Items may be locked based on their workflow state. Locked items cannot be edited and actions you can perform on them are limited depending on your security permissions.

For example, a document may be locked when it is in an Awaiting Approval state to maintain the integrity of the completed draft. Items are only unlocked when they move to a state that removes the lock.

If an item is locked, you can view the reason it is locked. See Viewing item lock information.

Note:  If you have administrative privileges, you can configure workflow states to lock items. See Adding workflow states.

Locked issue actions

Allowed Not allowed
Entering workflow events Editing fields
Adding, editing, and viewing links Adding and removing file and source control attachments
Viewing, sending, and replying to email Bulk change fields
Updating folders issues are included in Assigning issue numbers
Creating related test cases Renumbering issues
Creating related requirements Merging issues
Printing issues  

Locked requirement actions

Allowed Not allowed
Entering workflow events Editing fields
Adding and removing requirements in documents Adding and removing file and source control attachments
Adding, editing, and viewing links Bulk change fields
Viewing, sending, and replying to email Assigning requirement numbers
Updating folders requirements are included in Renumbering requirements
Generating test cases  
Creating related requirements  
Creating related issues  
Printing requirements  

Locked document actions

Allowed Not allowed
Entering workflow events Editing fields
Adding, editing, and viewing links Adding and removing file and source control attachments
Viewing, sending, and replying to email Adding, reordering, and removing requirements in documents
Updating folders documents are included in Bulk change fields
Creating snapshots Assigning requirement document numbers
Printing requirement documents Renumbering requirement documents

Locked test case actions

Allowed Not allowed
Entering workflow events Editing fields
Adding, editing, and viewing links Adding and removing file and source control attachments
Viewing, sending, and replying to email Bulk change fields
Updating folders test cases are included in Assigning test case numbers
Generating manual test runs Renumbering test cases
Printing test cases  

Locked manual test runs actions

Allowed Not allowed
Entering workflow events Editing fields
Adding, editing, and viewing links Adding and removing file and source control attachments
Viewing, sending, and replying to email Bulk change fields
Updating folders manual test runs are included in Assigning manual test run numbers
Creating related issues Renumbering manual test runs
Printing manual test runs