List report stylesheets

The following stylesheets can be used to create list reports. List report stylesheets are generally located in the StyleSheets/List directory in the Helix ALM application directory on the Helix ALM Server computer.

Name Includes:
GroupingListReport.xslt Field data in columns with field names as column headings. Groups data with common values into rows that can be expanded or collapsed. Includes interactive drill-down charts of grouped data that can be altered directly in the browser.
ListReportColHdrsEachRow.xslt Field data in columns with field names as column headings. Column headings are displayed above each data row.
ListReportWithChart.xslt Field data in columns with field names as column headings. Includes interactive drill-down charts that can be altered directly in the browser when two or more columns contain numeric data. At least one numeric data column must be included in the report to generate a chart.
NonDetailReport.xslt Field data in columns with field names as column headings.
NonDetailReport_br.xslt Field data in columns in columns with field names as column headings. Retains line breaks used in description fields.