Inserting hyperlinks in text fields

You can insert hyperlinks in multi-line text fields. For example, you can insert a link to a web site used as a reference in an issue description.

1. Click the location to insert a link or select the text to change to a link.

2. Click the insert hyperlink button on the formatting toolbar.

The Insert Hyperlink dialog box opens.

3. Select the Type of link to insert.

Type Links to:
ttstudio:// Helix ALM item or list window. See Opening items using ttstudio addresses.
sscm:// Surround SCM source file. These links can only open in the Surround SCM Client. See the Surround SCM help for information.
ftp:// File hosted on a File Transfer Protocol server
http:// Web site
https:// Web site using a secured protocol
nntp:// Usenet news article
telnet:// Credentials used to connect to a remote host
file:// File hosted on a local or networked file system
mailto:// Email address
news:// Usenet newsgroup or posting

4. Enter the URL.

5. Enter the Display text. If you selected text before inserting the link, it is automatically entered as the display text.

6. Click Insert.

The link is inserted.

  • To edit a link, select it and click the insert hyperlink button on the formatting toolbar.
  • To remove a link, select it and choose Format > Hyperlink > Remove Hyperlink. The link is removed, but the text is not deleted from the field.