Test case field codes

A field code is a variable that is replaced with a specific field value. You can use the following field codes for test case fields.

You can use label field codes to include field labels in emails. See Label field codes.

Note:   CURRENT_USER field codes are only available in email templates used when users send email or in emails automatically sent from triggers. They are removed from emails sent by escalation rules because there is no current user. These field codes are also not available to use in matrix reports.

Field Field code
Actual Hours %ACTHR%
Automated Test %TCAUT%
Changes with Differences (HTML) %CHNGHTML%
Changes %CHNG%
Closed By %TCCSD%
Closed Date %TCCDT%
Created By %TCCBY%
Creation Method %TCLOC%
Current User Email %CURRENT_USER_EMAIL%
Current User First Name %CURRENT_USER_FIRSTNAME%
Current User Last Name %CURRENT_USER_LASTNAME%
Current User Phone 1 %CURRENT_USER_PHONE1%
Current User Phone 2 %CURRENT_USER_PHONE2%
Currently Assigned Date %TCADT%
Currently Assigned To %TCATO%
Date Created %TCDTC%
Date Entered State %DTENS%
Date Modified %TCDTM%
Estimated Hours %ESTHR%
Estimated Run Time %TCEST%
Folder Paths %FOLDER_PATHS%
Folders %FOLDS%
Has Broken Links %TCHBL%
Has Calculation Error %CLCER%
Has Emails %HEML%
Has File Attachments %TCFIL%
Has Jira Issues %HAS_EXT_ITEMS_3001%
Has Links %TCHLK%
Has Scripts %TCSCR%
Has Source Control Files %TCSCC%
HTTP Hyperlink %HTTPURL%
Is Child in Link %TCICL%
Is Locked %VLOCK%
Is Marked As Suspect %SUSPT%
Is Parent In Link %TCIPL%
Jira Issues %EXT_ITEMS_3001%
Last Modified By %TCLST%
Link IDs %LNKID%
Linked Issues %LNKISSUES%
Linked Items %LNKITEMS%
<link definition> Linked Items %LNKITEMS_LNK<link definition record ID> (e.g., %LNKITEMS_LNK1%)
Linked Requirement Documents %LNKDOCUMENTS%
Linked Requirements %LNKREQUIREMENTS%
Linked Test Cases %LNKTESTCASES%
Linked Manual Test Runs %LNKTESTRUNS%
Number of Broken Links %BKLNK%
Number of Links %NMLNK%
Number Of Manual Test Runs Failed %TCFTR%
Number Of Manual Test Runs Passed %TCPTR%
Number Of Manual Test Runs Undetermined %TCITR%
Number %TCNUM%
Percent Done %PERDN%
Project Name (from Project Options) %PRNM%
Project Name %PROJNAME%
Remaining Hours %REMHR%
Source Control Files %SRCFILE%
Source Control Files (condensed) %SRCFILECON%
State Attribute %TCSTA%
Status %TCSTS%
Steps Mode %TCSGM%
Steps %TCSTP%
Story Points %STPTS%
Summary %TCSUM%
Total Number Of Closed Manual Test Runs %TCCTR%
Total Number Of Open Manual Test Runs %TCOTR%
Total Number Of Manual Test Runs %TCTTR%
TTStudio Hyperlink %TTSTUDIOURL%
Type %TCTYP%
Variance %VRANC%