Exporting to text files

You can export specific fields from issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, manual test runs, users, customers, security groups, test configurations, filters, reports, and Workbook tasks to a text file.

You can import data exported to a text file into other Helix ALM projects or work with it in third-party applications.

Tip:  In the Helix ALM desktop client, exported fields are truncated based on the content displayed in the list window. Use the web client to export the full contents of fields except formatting.

1. To export all items of the same type, choose File > Export > Text File Export.

To export a limited set of items, select the items on the list window and choose File > Export > Text File Export.

The Text Export dialog box opens.

Tip:  If you saved the settings from a previous export in a template that matches the file format, click Load to load it and skip to step 6.

2. Select the item type to export from the Export fields list.

3. Select the fields to export. Custom fields cannot be exported.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all item types to export.

5. Select the export Options.

  • Export selected records only includes only the items selected in the list window.
  • Include column headings includes the field names as a column heading row in the text file.
  • Convert EOLs to spaces converts carriage returns and line feeds to spaces.
  • Delimiter inserts the selected character between fields.
  • Date Format specifies the date to use in the exported items. Client locale uses the locale set on the computer running the Helix ALM Client and Server locale uses the locale set on the computer running the Helix ALM Server. Decimal points are always exported as periods.

Tip:  To save the settings for future exports, click Save to create a text file export template. See Creating text file export templates.

6. Click Export.

The Export File dialog box opens.

7. Choose a location to save the file in and enter a File name.

The default file name is Untitled.txt.

8. Click Save.

The items are exported and saved to a text file.