Sending messages to logged in users

You can send messages to users who are currently logged in to the project. For example, you may want to send a message to warn users to log out before you perform project maintenance so they can save their work. Messages are displayed to users in Helix ALM.

1. Choose View > Show Logged In Users.

The Logged In Users dialog box opens.

2. Select the users to send the message to. If no users are selected, the message is sent to all users in the list.

3. Click Send Message.

The Messages dialog box opens.

4. Enter the message. You can enter up to 1024 characters.

5. Click Send.

The message is sent and displayed in Helix ALM for the users you sent it to. See Viewing messages from administrators. You will not receive the message if you sent it.

Note:  Message are not displayed in applications integrated with Helix ALM.

6. Click Close when you finish.