Editing and deleting requirement types

Edit a requirement type to change the name, description, icon, or tag prefix and suffix. Changes are automatically applied to all requirements that use the requirement type. You can also delete a requirement type if it is not used by any requirements.

Note:  If a requirement type is still used in the project and you do not want users to access it, inactivate it instead of deleting it. See Inactivating requirement types

1. Make sure all users are logged out of the project. You cannot edit or delete requirement types if other users are logged in. See Logging out users.

2. Choose Tools > Administration > Requirement Types.

The Configure Requirement Types dialog box opens.

3. Edit or delete the requirement type.

  • To edit a type, select it and click Edit. Make any changes and click OK. For information about requirement type options, see Adding requirement types.
  • To delete a type, select it and click Delete. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

4. Click OK to save the changes.