Configuring folder types

You can create folder types to differentiate folder appearance and functionality. For example, using folder types is a good way tag a group of folders used for similar purposes, which is useful for reporting.

Helix ALM includes default folder types that you can use or modify. See Default folder types. You can add other folder types to support your team's process.

Note:  Helix ALM also includes Test Case Suite and Manual Test Run Suite folder types for test case management. See Using test suites to manage manual tests. These folder types cannot be edited, inactivated, or deleted.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Folder Types.

The Configure Folder Types dialog box opens.

2. Click Add to create a new folder type. See Adding folder types.

3. To edit a folder type, select it and click Edit. See Editing and deleting folder types.

4. To change the order that folder types are displayed in, select a type and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom.

Folder types are displayed in this order in different areas of Helix ALM, such as fields. You may want to move the most frequently used types to the top of the list.

5. To inactivate a folder type that is no longer used, select it and click Inactivate. See Inactivating folder types.

6. To delete a folder type, select it and click Delete. See Editing and deleting folder types.

7. Click OK to save the changes.