Traditional Template sample project: Reports

Helix ALM reports provide powerful insight into all aspects of the product development processes and a wealth of information about work being done in Helix ALM.

The Traditional Template project has several reports to help the team and management monitor and analyze project progress. Following are the most commonly used reports.

Report name Report type Displays:
Actual vs. Estimated Hours Live Chart Actual and estimated hours for requirements, documents, issues, test cases, and manual test runs. Typically used in the Live Chart pane in the Folders list window.
Time Tracking by User Time Tracking Details on actual hours entered by user and date. Helpful for seeing what each user has been working on during the project.
APS Functional Risk Matrix A risk matrix for every business and functional requirement associated with the APS product. Provides the ability to review requirement risk across an entire product.
APS 7.5 Resource Allocation Release Planning Total estimated time by assigned user for the Product APS 7.5 release. Allows users to see how much work is on each user’s plate and ensure work is evenly distributed across the team.
APS 7.5 Burn Down Release Planning Actual and remaining time against the ideal burn down rate for the Product APS 7.5 release. Uses a filter to only show items in the v7.5 Release folder and all subfolders.
Wysi CRM Forward Trace Matrix A breakdown of every item associated with the Wysi CRM product. Provides a trace breakdown from requirements to technical specifications, test cases, manual test runs, issues, and source code.