Scrum Template sample project: Reports

Helix ALM reports provide powerful insight into all aspects of the product development processes it is used to manage and wealth of information about work being done.

The Scrum Template project has the following reports to help the team and management monitor and analyze project progress.

Report Report type Displays:
Assignment Breakdown Live Chart A breakdown of work items assigned by user. Typically used in the Live Chart pane in the Folders list.
Forward Trace by Epic Matrix A breakdown of every item associated with an epic. Breaks down user stories associated with the epic, tasks associated with the stories, and test cases associated with the stories and tasks. Helpful for understanding how stories, tasks, and tests are associated with an epic, looking for areas where user stories need to be broken down, or identifying gaps in test coverage.
Open vs Closed Live Chart A pie chart of Open vs. Closed (Done) work items. Typically used in the Live Chart pane in the Folders list.
Percent Done Live Chart A banded diagram of tasks segmented by their ‘doneness’ based on time tracking data. Typically used in the Live Chart pane in the Folders list.
Security Group Comparison Detail Detailed permissions for each security group, broken down by security and group. Typically used by administrators or project leads to make sure users have the correct permissions in the project.
Security Group Detail Report Detail Detailed permissions for each security group, divided into sections for each group. Typically used by administrators or project leads to make sure users have the correct permissions in the project.
Sprint 1 Burn Down Release Status Actual and remaining effort against the ideal burn down rate for Sprint 1. Uses a filter to only show items in the Sprint 1 folder.
Sprint 1 Burn Up Release Status Estimated and actual scope with a predicted burn up rate for Sprint 1. Uses a filter to only show items in the Sprint 1 folder.
Sprint 1 Forward Trace Matrix A breakdown of every item in Sprint 1 based on a filter. Provides a trace breakdown from user stories to tasks, test cases, manual test runs, defects, and source code.
Sprint 1 Resource Allocation Release Planning Total estimated time by assigned user for Sprint 1. Helps you see how much work is assigned to each user and ensure work is evenly distributed across the team.
Sprint 1 Test Coverage Details Traceability Details on test cases and run results for every user story and task in Sprint 1. Helps you see details of how testing is progressing within the sprint.
Sprint 2 Burn Down Release Status Actual and remaining effort against the ideal burn down rate for Sprint 2. Uses a filter to only show items in the Sprint 2 folder.
Sprint 2 Burn Up Release Status Estimated and actual scope with a predicted burn up rate for Sprint 2. Uses a filter to only show items in the Sprint 2 folder.
Sprint 2 Forward Trace Matrix A breakdown of every item in Sprint 2 based on a filter. Provides a trace breakdown from user stories to tasks, test cases, manual test runs, defects, and source code.
Wysi CRM v1.0 Burn Down Release Status Actual and remaining effort against the ideal burn down rate for the Wysi CRM 1.0 release. Uses a filter to only show items in the v1.0 Release folder and all subfolders.
Wysi CRM v1.0 Task Status Trend Trend A weekly breakdown of New versus In Progress tasks.
Wysi CRM v1.0 Velocity Chart Release Status Story points and hours delivered per sprint for the Wysi CRM 1.0 release. Uses a filter to only show items in the v1.0 Release folder and all subfolders.