Viewing live charts

Live charts, which are updated automatically when items change, can help you monitor the overall progress or a specific part of a project in real time. See Adding live charts.

You can open live charts in one or more standalone windows, which can help you continuously monitor key indicators and team progress throughout the day. You can also open live charts in the Folders list window to chart the contents of a selected folder and view more focused data about a specific part of a project, release, or iteration.

Note:  You can set the live chart font in local options. See Setting live chart options.

Viewing a standalone chart

1. Choose View > Reports to open the Reports list window.

2. Select the live chart and click Preview.

The chart opens.

Viewing a chart in the Folders list window

When you view a live chart in the Folders list window, the data is filtered to only include items in the selected folder. If the List recursively option is selected in the Folders list window, the chart includes items in any child folders. The items included in the chart are also limited based on the selected options in the Show and Filter lists.

1. Choose View > Folders to open the Folders list window.

2. If the Live Chart pane is not displayed, choose View > Folder Panes > Live Chart.

The Live Chart pane is displayed.

3. Select a chart from the list in the Live Chart pane.

The selected chart is displayed.

Live chart toolbar

The live chart toolbar includes commands to change the data displayed in a chart, copy a chart, open a chart in another window, and print a chart. The available commands depend on the window the live chart is displayed in.

Button Action
Open the live chart in another window.
Edit the live chart settings. See Editing reports.
Copy the live chart to the clipboard.
Show or hide the chart legend, title, data labels, axis labels, and axis titles.
Print the live chart.