Viewing and downloading file attachments

You can view files attached to items and download attachments to save a local copy.

1. Open the file attachments tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

  • Issues—Click the Detail tab and then click the Attachments mini tab.
  • Requirements and documents—Click the Files tab.
  • Test cases and manual test runs—Click the Files tab and then click Attachments.

Files attached to the item are displayed.

2. Select an attachment and click a button to view or download it.

  • View opens the file for viewing in the associated application. See Setting view file options. You may also be able to view thumbnails of image file attachments. Right-click a file and choose Show Thumbnail. If multiple images are selected, you can scroll through the images using the next/previous buttons in the View Image dialog. Supported image extensions are: .jpg, .jpeg, .jff, .jfif, .png, .pgm, .gif, .giff, .bmp, .pbm, .ppm, .xbm, and .xpm.
  • Extract saves a local copy of the file. You can also Ctrl+click attachments to extract multiple files to the same location at the same time.
  • Open saves a local copy of the file and opens it in the associated application.

3. Click the Scripts tab in test cases and manual test runs to view test scripts.

4. Click the Source Files tab to view source files attached to the item. See Viewing local copies of source files and Getting source files.

5. Click OK or Save to close the item when you finish.