Starting Helix ALM

Before you log in, make sure you have the Helix ALM Server and login information from your administrator.

Note:  If you are the administrator, make sure the server is running. See Starting the Helix ALM Server.

1. Windows—Choose Programs > Perforce > Helix ALM > Helix ALM Client.

Mac—Double-click the Helix ALM Client icon in the Applications/HelixALM folder.

Linux—Enter /usr/bin/ttclient

The Helix ALM Login dialog box opens.

2. Select the Server to connect to. See Connecting to a Helix ALM Server if you need to add a server.

3. Enter your Username and Password.

You do not need to enter a password if you authenticate using an identity provider, such as Okta.

If available, you can select Use single sign-on to log in with your network credentials. Ask your administrator for help. Single sign-on is not available on Linux.

Note:  If you do not remember your password, click Forgot Password? to reset your password. You will receive an email with a temporary password and instructions for resetting your password. Ask your administrator if you need additional help.

4. Select Always log in with this username and password to automatically log in using the credentials you entered every time Helix ALM starts.

If you select this option, you can use Windows Credential Manager or macOS Keychain Access to store your credentials. This option is not available on Linux.

5. Click Connect.

If you use an identity provider to authenticate, the provider web page opens. Authenticate with the provider and then return to Helix ALM.

The Helix ALM Project Selection dialog box opens.

6. Select the Project to work in.

Some projects take a longer time to load. Click Refresh if the project you want to use is not in the list.

7. Optionally expand Log in to and select the areas to log in to.

All areas you have access to are selected by default. If your team uses floating licenses, you may want to only log in to the areas you will use for the current session.

8. Select Always log in to this project to automatically log in to the selected project every time Helix ALM starts.

This option is only available if Always log in with this username and password is selected on the login dialog box. This option is not available on Linux.

9. Click OK.

You are logged in and ready to start using Helix ALM.

Note:  If you cannot log in because the required public key is not found, you may need to import a server settings file provided by your administrator to the server connection settings. The public key is used for stronger security when communicating with the server. See Adding server connections. If you do not have the file or continue to experience login problems, ask your administrator for help.