Setting the default web page for folders

You can display a default web page related to a folder in the Web View pane in the Folders list window. For example, you may want to display a wiki that provides additional project information. Users can also browse to other pages from the default page. See Using the Folders list window.

You cannot update the default web page if you do not have permission to modify the public folder or if the folder is locked. See Managing access to folders.

Note:  The Web View pane in the Folders list window and the Web View tab in the Add Folder and Edit Folder dialog boxes is only available if the Enable Web View pane option is selected for the folder type. See Adding folder types.

1. Click the Web View tab when you are adding or editing a folder.

2. Enter the Web address for the page to display in the Web View pane.

File addresses are only supported for images and HTML pages. For example, file:///C:/Projects/Sprint 1/calendar.htm.

Note:  Click Go to open the web page in your default browser.

3. Click OK to save the changes.