Live chart types

Helix ALM includes the following types of live charts. Each chart type has multiple variations available to help you customize the chart appearance. Thumbnails of each chart type and variation are displayed on the Type tab in the Add Live Chart dialog box. See Adding live charts.

Chart type Description
Area Displays data points plotted on lines with shading in the area between the axis and lines. Multiple series are displayed in layers or stacked. Useful for evaluating changes over time and identifying trends.
Bar Displays rectangular bars for each series that are sized based on the values they represent. Same as column charts except the bars are horizontal. Multiple series are displayed in layers, stacked, overlapping, or in 3D depth. Useful for evaluating changes over time and comparing categories of data.
Box-Whisker Displays the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and maximum values for a series using a box and maximum and minimum lines. Only used for numeric fields. Useful for statistical analysis and determining the distribution of items in categories.
Column Displays rectangular bars for each series that are sized based on the values they represent. Same as bar charts except the bars are vertical. Multiple series are displayed in layers, stacked, overlapping, or in 3D depth. Useful for evaluating changes over time and comparing categories of data.
Combo Displays multiple series using a combination of column, line, area, and scatter chart types. The chart type for each series is selected in the Configure Series area in the Add Live Chart dialog box. Useful for clearly differentiating multiple data categories.
Conical Displays data points in slices that represent a percentage of a whole pyramid, cone, or funnel shape. Useful for comparing groups of data.
Line Displays data points plotted on lines. Multiple series are displayed on multiple lines. Useful for displaying continuous data over time and evaluating data trends in equal intervals, such as weeks or months.
Meter Displays each series as one point on a meter. Data groups are determined by the X-axis field values and values are determined by the Y-axis configuration. Useful for data visualization in a gauge format.
Pie Displays data points in slices that represent a percentage of the whole pie. Data can be displayed in a flat pie, exploded pie with slices separated from the center of the pie, or a donut. Useful for comparing groups of data.
Scatter Displays a symbol to represent each data point. Useful for evaluating relationships between values in multiple data categories.