Entering ttstudio addresses

You can use ttstudio addresses to open a list window or specific item, such as an issue. See Using the Address bar. Addresses must use the following formats:

  • To open a list window—ttstudio://ServerAddress:Port//ProjectName/ItemType
  • To open a specific item— ttstudio://ServerAddress:Port//ProjectName/ItemType?Parameter&Parameter

Note:  The Helix ALM Server address and port, project name, and item type are required.

For example, Joe wants to open the Issues list window in the WysiChart project. He uses the following address: ttstudio://server.wysicorp.com:99//WysiChart/dfct

If you are not logged into Helix ALM, the login dialog box opens when you enter the address. You can include your username and password in the address to automatically log in. For example, ttstudio://username:password@server.wysicorp.com:99//Wysi/dfct.

Use parameters to open a specific item. When you select an item in Helix ALM, the ttstudio address displayed in the Address bar includes the recordID parameter, which identifies the record number in the project database.

Following are the item type and parameter values that can be used with ttstudio addresses.

To open a specific: Use an item type parameter: Use the specific item parameter: Example
Customer cust username
(global customers only)
recordID cust?recordID=47
Dashboard home recordID home?recordID=42
Filter dflt name dflt?name=High%20Priority
recordID dflt?recordID=47
Folder fold path fold?path=Public%20Backlog
recordID fold?recordID=47
historyID fold?recordID=47&historyID=44
Issue dfct number dfct?number=1
recordID dfct?recordID=47
historyID dfct?recordID=47&historyID=46
Report rprt name rprt?name=Open Issues
recordID rprt?recordID=47
Requirement rqmt number rqmt?number=1
recordID rqmt?recordID=47
historyID rqmt?recordID=47&historyID=46
Requirement document rdmt name rdmt?name=Wysi%20Doc
recordID rdmt?recordID=47
historyID rdmt?recordID=47&historyID=46
Security group ugrp name ugrp?name=Administration
recordID ugrp?recordID=47
Specification document spec number spec?number=1
recordID spec?recordID=47
Task task summary task?summary=Add%20report
recordID task?recordID=47
Test case tstc number tstc?number=1
recordID tstc?recordID=47
historyID tstc?recordID=47&historyID=46
Test config scfg name scfg?name=Windows
recordID scfg?recordID=47
Manual test run tstr number tstr?number=1
recordID tstr?recordID=47
historyID tstr?recordID=47&historyID=46
User user username
(global users only)
recordID user?recordID=47

Note:  If a parameter value includes spaces or special characters, such as hyphens, you must replace them with escape characters so Helix ALM can resolve the address. For example, use %20 to escape a space. Standard URL escape characters are supported.