Customizing shortcut menus

You can customize the available items on list window and Specification Document shortcut menus for quick access to actions you perform frequently.

1. Choose Tools > User Options then select the Shortcut Menus category. You can also right-click an item in a window and choose Configure Menu.

2. Select a List window. The available menu items depend on the selected list window.

3. Select the item to add in the Available menu items list and click the Add to List button to move it to the Current menu items list.

To remove an item, select it in the Current menu items list and click the Remove from List button to move it to the Available menu items list.

4. Select an item in the Current menu items list and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to change the display order. You can also move the <separator> to divide the menu.

5. Select Group workflow events in a sub-menu to group events in a Workflow Events sub-menu.

You may want to select this option to make the menu for the selected list window more manageable if your team's workflow has a large number of events.

6. Click Reset to reset the selected list window menu to the default list and order. See Default shortcut menu configurations.

7. Click OK to save the changes.

Default shortcut menu configurations

The following items are included in the default shortcut menus.