Exporting project configuration reports
You can export details about a Helix ALM project's configuration to Microsoft Word for documentation purposes. This report can help minimize validation efforts, inform an auditor about your process, and point out specific changes in the project configuration over time.
Configuration reports contain details about the following project areas.
The report format is controlled by the ProjectConfigurationReportTemplate.docx file in the templates\ProjectConfigurationReport directory in the Helix ALM application directory. You can modify the Word template to use different styles, rearrange content, or replace the static text included in each generated report. See Modifying project configuration report templates.
1. Choose Tools > Administration > Configuration Report.
The Export Configuration Report dialog box opens.
2. Choose a location to save the file in and enter a File name.
The default file name contains the project name and date/time the report was generated (e.g., ConfigurationReport_WysiCorpBugs_07-20-2016_04-38-17_pm.docx).
3. Click Save.
The report is exported. It may take several minutes to export based on the project size.
4. Open the report and make any changes.
Depending on how the template has been modified, you may see gray italicized text in the report with the Document_Instructions style applied. Replace this text with your own text and apply the Description style, or delete the text before finalizing the report.
5. Save the report.