Default time tracking fields

The following time tracking fields and options are used for the default workflows.

  • Time tracking value—Time tracking value that the event time tracking field value is added to. See Setting time tracking project options.
  • Event—Event dialog box that contains the time tracking field.
  • Field—Field used for time tracking in the event dialog box.
  • Field long label—Long label for the time tracking field in the event dialog box. This value is selected in the time tracking project options. See Setting time tracking project options.
  • Field type—Type of time tracking field used in the event dialog box. Built-in indicates that the Display the time tracking field using option is selected for the event. Custom indicates that event custom fields are used. See Adding workflow events.
  • Built-in field calculation—Built-in time tracking field option selected for the event. Sum of hours from all events of this type uses a sum of all values entered in the time tracking field. Hours from last entered event of this type uses the value entered in the time tracking field in the last instance of the event for the item. See Adding workflow events.


Time tracking value Event Field Field long label Field type Built-in field calculation
Actual hours Enter Work Actual Effort Enter Work Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Fix Effort Hours to Fix Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Estimated hours Estimate Effort Estimated Effort Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Remaining hours Enter Work Remaining Time Enter Work Remaining Time Custom --
Fix Remaining Time Fix Remaining Time Custom --

Requirements and requirement documents

Time tracking value Event Field Field long label Field type Built-in field calculation
Actual hours Enter Work Actual Effort Enter Work Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Estimated hours Estimate Estimated Time Estimated Effort Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Remaining hours Enter Work Remaining Time Enter Work Remaining Time Custom --

Test cases

Time tracking value Event Field Field long label Field type Built-in field calculation
Actual hours Enter Work Actual Effort Enter Work Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Ready Actual Effort Ready Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Ready for Review Actual Effort Ready for Review Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Reviewed Actual Effort Reviewed Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Estimated hours Estimate Estimated Time Estimated Effort Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Remaining hours Enter Work Remaining Time Enter Work Remaining Time Custom --

Manual test runs

Time tracking value Event Field Field long label Field type Built-in field calculation
Actual hours Enter Work Actual Effort Enter Work Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Enter Result Actual Effort Enter Result Actual Effort (Hours) Built-in Sum of hours from all events of this type
Estimated hours -- Estimated run time field on the Edit Manual Test Run window Manual Test Run Estimated Run Time Custom --
Estimate Estimated Time Estimated Effort Built-in Hours from last entered event of this type
Remaining hours Enter Work Remaining Time Enter Work Remaining Time Custom --