Configuring task board swimlanes

Swimlanes group items horizontally in task boards. When viewing a task board, you can change how items are grouped in swimlanes in the Group by list. You can group items by folder, user, relationship, or requirement document. You can configure options for each grouping to control how information is displayed.

The following example shows a user (Analyst, Jane B) used as a swimlane. The Group by list is available to change the swimlane type.

1. Click the Swimlanes tab when you are adding or editing a task board.

2. Select the Group by options to use in the task board.

For example, if you want to include Relationship in the Group by list, select Group by Relationship. If a Group by option is not selected, it is not displayed in the task board Group by list.

Note:  The Group by User option is selected for all task boards and cannot be changed.

3. Select any options for each selected Group by option: Folder, Relationship, Document, and User.

All Group by options have a Rollup field option. The available values are the same as the time tracking fields in the Time Tracking project options for each item type. See Setting time tracking project options. If you select a rollup field for the swimlane, the sum of the selected time tracking field from all items in the swimlane is displayed on the swimlane. For example, if you select Remaining Time as the rollup field for Group by User swimlanes, the remaining time for all items in the swimlane is displayed. If Percent Done is selected, a progress bar is displayed to indicate the percent complete.

4. Click OK to save the changes.

Note:  See Configuring task board columns and Configuring task board cards for information about configuring other task board settings.