Adding link definitions

Create a link definition to allow users to establish relationships between specific item types, such as test cases and requirements, and to control how linked items are handled in the workflow.

You can create link definitions to allow parent/child or peer relationships between items. Items linked in a parent/child relationship have one item that is the parent item and other related items are children. Items linked in a peer relationship have a common element, but do not have a defined hierarchical relationship. There may be an advantage to working on both items at the same time, but one item is not more important than the other.

1. Click Add on the Configure Link Definitions dialog box.

The Add Link Definition dialog box opens.

2. Enter a Name and Description.

The definition name must be unique.

3. Choose the item types to allow in links that use the definition.

Note:  If you select Automated Test Results, you must also select at least one other item type because automated test results cannot be in a link by themselves.

4. Select any General Options.

  • Require a link comment requires users to enter a comment when linking items.
  • Allow dependent items to be marked as suspect allows users to mark linked items as suspect. See Marking items as suspect.
  • Limit number of items allowed to specifies the maximum number of items that can be added to a link.

5. Select a Relationship option.

  • Use peer relationship creates a peer relationship between linked items. For example, you may create a link definition for issues that are related but do not need to be fixed together.
  • Use parent/child relationship creates a parent/child relationship between linked items. For example, you may create a link definition for requirements and the test cases that are generated from them to track project coverage. To restrict the item types that can be used as the parent in links, select Restrict parent type to and select the parent item type. To restrict the item types that can be used as children in links, select Restrict child type to and select the child item type.

Note:  If you select Automated Test Results, you must also select at least one other type because automated test results cannot be in a link by themselves.

6. Optionally expand the Workflow Restrictions area to specify how relationships affect the workflow.

  • Parent/child relationship does not restrict workflow is selected by default. This option does not add any additional workflow restrictions to linked items that use the link definition.
  • Parent restricts workflow enforces restrictions based on the parent item in links. Parent cannot be closed if any child is open requires all child items to be closed before the parent. Child cannot be re-opened if parent is closed prevents reopening child items if the parent is closed.
  • Child restricts workflow enforces restrictions based on child items in links. Child cannot be closed if parent is open requires the parent item be closed before the child. Parent cannot be re-opened if any child is closed prevents reopening the parent item if a child is closed.
  • Select Peers must be closed in the specified order to specify that items must be closed in the order they are linked. For example, issues #980, #872, and #922 are linked in a peer relationship in that order. If this option is selected, #872 cannot be closed until #980 is closed and #922 cannot be closed until #872 is closed.
  • Select Peers must be re-opened in inverse order to specify that items can only be reopened in reverse order. For example, requirement #299 and test cases #3147, #3148, and #3153 are linked in a parent/child relationship. Requirement #299 is the parent and cannot be reopened if any children are closed. The last child, #3153, must be reopened first. Next, #3148 can be reopened then #3147. The parent, #299, can be reopened after #3147 is reopened.

7. Click OK.

The link definition is added and you return to the Configure Link Definitions dialog box.

Note:  You may want to reorder definitions so the most-used definitions are displayed at the top of the Add Link and Edit Link dialog boxes. Select a definition and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to move it.