Adding distribution reports

Distribution reports display the allocation of issues, requirements, documents, test cases, or manual test runs in a project. For example, use these reports to view the count of currently assigned issues by product, status by priority, severity by version, and more. You can add a chart to display data as a count or percentage.

1. Choose Create > Report.

The Select Report Type dialog box opens.

2. Select Distribution and click OK.

The Add Distribution Report dialog box opens.

3. Enter a Name and Title. The title appears at the top of the report. You can enter up to 128 characters for the name and 1000 characters for the title.

4. Select a Share with option.

  • No one prevents all other users and customers from using the report.
  • Everyone shares the report with all users and customers.
  • All users shares the report with other users.
  • All customers shares the report with customers.
  • Security groups shares the report with selected security groups.

5. On the Report On tab, select the data to include in the report.

  • Select the item type to report on from the Report contains list.
  • Select an option to specify the data to include in the report. The available options depend on the selected item type.

6. Click the Options tab to select report display options.

  • Select the date range to report on in the Period from and through fields.
  • Select a Stylesheet, which is a template used to generate formatted reports. See Distribution report stylesheets. Click Browse to select a custom stylesheet.
  • Select a Filter to only include specific items in the report. You can only select a filter if you are reporting on issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, and manual test runs. Filters with an ellipsis (...) after the name prompt you to enter restriction information when the report is generated. See Selecting interactive filter criteria.
  • Select Include totals to include totals in the report rows and columns. To add totals to a chart, use the Data to Graph list on the Charting tab.
  • Select Hide empty columns and Hide empty rows to hide columns and rows that do not contain any data.
  • Enter the number of Records per printed page to limit the number of items included on one printed page. If a value is set in this field, the Download Excel File link is not available in the generated report.

7. Click the Sorting tab to select a primary or secondary sort column and set the column sort order.

8. Click the Charting tab to add a chart to the report. See Charting report data.

9. To preview the report, click the Preview button.

To save the report as a PDF, click Save Report As PDF. See Saving reports as PDF files.

10. Click Add.

The report is added. See Running reports for information about running reports.