Viewing manual test run status

After manual test runs are generated, you can check the progress to see if it is waiting for testing, in progress, or completed, or run scripts attached to the manual test run.

1. Click the Manual Test Runs tab when you are viewing or editing a test case.

The Waiting tab displays generated manual test runs that have not been started and are in the initial workflow state (e.g., Not Started).

2. Click the In Progress tab to view in progress manual test runs, which are in any open workflow state other than the initial state (e.g., In Progress or On Hold).

3. Click the Completed tab to view all complete manual test runs in a closed workflow state (e.g., Passed, Failed, Undetermined, or Failed and Regenerated).

4. Select a Filter to filter the manual test runs list.

5. Select a manual test run and click View to view it. See Viewing manual test runs.

6. Select a manual test run and click Edit to modify it. See Editing manual test runs.

7. Select a manual test run and click Delete to delete it. See Deleting manual test runs.

8. Click OK when you finish.