Resolving manual test run generation errors

Errors are displayed if manual test runs cannot be generated or regenerated. Errors may occur if the test case is open for editing, the test case syntax is incorrect, file attachments are not found, the test case is not in a workflow state that allows manual test runs to be generated, and other reasons. You must correct any errors in the test cases before generating manual test runs.

1. The Manual Test Run Generation Failures dialog box opens when generating or regenerating manual test runs.

The test case number that manual test runs could not be generated for and the problem are displayed.

2. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the problem text to the clipboard.

3. Select a problem and click Correct and Retry to automatically fix the test case errors or Edit Items to manually fix them. This option is not available when generating manual test run suites.

You must manually correct errors if Helix ALM cannot automatically correct them. Generate manual test runs again after correcting the test case. See Generating manual test runs.

4. Click Close when you finish.