Managing manual tests

For your manual testing effort, you will work with test cases and manual test runs in Helix ALM.

Note:  Helix ALM also supports automated testing. See Managing automated tests for more information.

Test cases

Test cases include all information a tester needs to successfully perform a test, including a description, conditions, detailed steps, expected results, and other test data. This information is used to determine if a product component works correctly and meets the specified requirements. Each test case should focus on only one component or requirement.

Test cases can be used for both manual and automated testing.

Manual test runs

Manual test runs are instances of test cases used to perform a test and document the results. Manual test runs are generated at milestones in the test cycle, such as when the development team provides a new build. They contain all information from the related test case and results for the specific instance of the test. A single test case can have one or more related manual test runs, which are performed against different builds or configurations.

Differences between test cases and manual test runs

  • Test cases generally do not change unless they include incorrect information or the tested application changes. They remain open and are reused for subsequent builds and releases. Test cases are not used to perform tests and do not include actual results.
  • Manual test runs are only used once to perform a specific test during a testing cycle. They include test results and are closed after the specific test is performed.

Note:  Keep in mind that Helix ALM may be customized for your team and use different terminology for test cases and manual test runs.

Other key concepts

Following are some additional concepts you may need to be familiar with as you manage tests.

Test suites

Test suites keep collections or series of related tests grouped together. For example, you may want to group tests based on testing phase, purpose, functional area, or other criteria. You typically create test suites during test design and planning.

Helix ALM has test case suite and manual test run suite folders used exclusively for test case management. Test case suites folders can only contain test cases or other test case suite folders. Manual test run suites can only contain manual test runs or other manual test run suite folders.

Using manual test run suites helps you more easily reuse test cases, keep tests organized, and run tests in the correct order if needed. See Using test suites to manage manual tests.

Test variants

Test variants are variable attributes of an application used to generate manual test runs. They can be used to create multiple manual test runs from a single test case to support various configurations. For example, if you are testing a cross-platform application, you can create an Operating System test variant and add variant values for each platform, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Manual test run sets

Manual test run sets group related manual test runs generated for a testing phase. When you generate manual test runs, you can add them to manual test run sets to help you track and report on testing progress.

Common tasks

Following are common tasks you may perform when working with test cases and manual test runs depending on your role and security permissions.

Create test case suites

Create test case suites to group related test cases. See Setting up manual test suites.

Add test cases

Add new test cases to capture test details and track all information throughout a test case's lifecycle, including steps and expected results, test variants, file attachments, related manual test runs, related email, workflow, links to other Helix ALM items, and history. See Adding test cases.

When a test case is complete and ready to use for testing, move it to the appropriate workflow state to indicate manual test runs can be generated for it. See Adding workflow events to items.

Generate manual test runs

When test cases are ready, generate manual test runs. You may generate multiple manual test runs for a test case depending on the variants that need to be tested or add manual test runs to manual test run sets if your team uses them. See Generating manual test runs.

If you use test suites, you can generate a manual test run suite to generate manual test run for all test cases in a selected test case suite. See Generating manual test run suites

Assign manual test runs to testers

When manual test runs are ready to be performed, assign them to testers. See Assigning items.

Run tests and enter results

Review manual test runs assigned to you to understand how to set up the test environment and perform the test. Perform each step in the manual test run to complete the test. See Running manual tests.

When the test is complete, enter the results to indicate if it passed, failed, or if the results were unclear. See Entering overall results for manual test runs.

Run reports to analyze test data

Reports can help you analyze project status and specific data about test cases, manual test runs, and other items. See Running reports.

Ready to get started?

If you need to add or work with test cases, go the Test Cases list window. See Using the Test Cases list window.

If you need to run a manual test, go to the Manual Test Runs list window. See Using the Manual Test Runs list window.