Sample Microsoft Word export templates

The following Word export templates are available for download. These templates are intended for use with the Traditional Template and Scrum Template sample projects. You can try to use these templates as is in your own projects or modify them to create your own templates. See Adding Microsoft Word export templates to Helix ALM for information.

Tip:  If you add these templates to your projects without modifying them, errors may occur if they include fields that are not in the project. These templates provide examples of documents you can generate when exporting data and are intended to be used as a starting point for you to create your own templates.

See Creating Microsoft Word export templates for information about creating and modifying export templates.

All templates

Download all sample Word templates in a ZIP file.

Templates by item type


Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Additional information Download
High Priority Issue List A list of issues with the Priority field value. If a value is 'Immediate', it is displayed in red. Traditional Template

Scrum Template
Template name is 'High Priority Defect List' in the Scrum Template and it exports defects. HighPriorityIssuesTemplate.docx
Issue Details Details for issues. Traditional Template

Scrum Template
Template name is 'Defect Details' in the Scrum Template and it exports defects. IssueDetailTemplate.docx

Requirement documents

Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Document Details Details for documents. Traditional Template RequirementDocumentDetailTemplate.docx
Document with Formatting Documents with up to four levels of hierarchy indentation. Includes a cover page, table of contents, and footer. Traditional Template RequirementDocumentTemplate.docx
Document with Requirements List A list of requirements in a document without hierarchy indentation. Traditional Template RequirementDocumentWithRequirementsListTemplate.docx
Document with Review Notes Documents with up to four levels of hierarchy indentation and review notes listed under each requirement. Includes a cover page, table of contents, and footer. Traditional Template RequirementDocumentWithReviewNotesTemplate.docx
Document with Tests Documents with up to four levels of hierarchy indentation and linked test cases under each requirement. Includes a cover page, table of contents, and footer. Traditional Template RequirementDocumentWithLinkedTestsTemplate.docx


Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Epic Details Details for epics. Scrum Template EpicDetailTemplate.docx
User Story Breakdown User stories with up to four levels of hierarchy indentation. Includes a cover page, table of contents, and footer. Scrum Template UserStoryBreakdownTemplate.docx


Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Requirement Details Details for requirements. Traditional Template RequirementDetailTemplate.docx


Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Story / Task Details Details for stories and tasks. Scrum Template StoryTaskDetailTemplate.docx

Test cases

Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Test Case Details Details for test cases. Traditional Template TestCaseDetailTemplate.docx

Manual test runs

Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Test Run Details Details for manual test runs. Traditional Template TestRunDetailTemplate.docx
Test Run Table Table of manual test runs with tag, summary, and status columns. Traditional Template

Scrum Template


Template name Exports: Sample projects available in Download
Folder Item List Information for the selected folder and items in it. If 'List recursively' is selected in the Folders list, subfolder information and items are also exported. Traditional Template

Scrum Template