ReqIF mapping file structure and contents

Note:  ReqIF import only supports requirements and requirement documents. Other item types, such as test cases, are not supported.

A YAML-based mapping file is required for ReqIF imports to Helix ALM. A mapping file associates ReqIF and Helix ALM types.

The best way to create a mapping file for the ReqIF file you are importing is to generate one from the ReqIF Import dialog box in Helix ALM. See Generating and editing ReqIF import mapping files. After you upload the ReqIF file, Helix ALM can generate a mapping file that automatically maps ReqIF types to the equivalent Helix ALM item or field. See Default mappings in ReqIF mapping files.

A property named HALMMapping is added to each ReqIF type in the mapping file. This property is used to associate ReqIF data types with Helix ALM types. Use the field code or label from the Import Mapping Values page in the HALMMapping properties to indicate which Helix ALM field to map to the corresponding ReqIF data.

Mapping files have the following structure and contents.

Note:  If a subsection of the HALMMapping property is left empty or if a section of the mapping file is deleted, that ReqIF type is considered unmapped.


propertyName: [ objectType ]

Indicates an array of objectType objects that get assigned to propertyName.

propertyName: { objectType }

Indicates a single objectType is assigned to propertyName.

[ propertyName:... ]

Indicates that propertyName is an optional property that is only included in the mapping file if it has a value. For example, if the ReqIF file does not use the LONG-NAME attribute, the reqifName property is not included in the YAML file.

Top-level mapping file sections

The mapping file contains the following top-level sections.

mappingConfiguration: { mappingConfiguration }

documentInfo: { documentInfo }

objectTypes: [ ObjectType ]

linkTypes: [ LinkType ]

Subsections in the mapping file

The following subsections in the mapping file provide additional properties in the top-level sections.