Report types

Helix ALM includes the following built-in reports.

Report type Displays: More information
Detail Detailed information about individual issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, manual test runs, folders, customers, users, security groups, or test configurations in a project. Adding detail reports
Distribution Allocation of issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, or manual test runs in a project. View the count of currently assigned issues by product, status by priority, severity by version, and more. A chart to display data as a count or percentage may also be included. Adding distribution reports
List Selected fields from issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, manual test runs, folders, customers, users, security groups, or test configurations in rows and columns. Adding list reports
Live Chart Project information in a chart format that is updated automatically when items in the project change. May include one or more item types or items in a specific folder. Live charts can be displayed in the Folders list window or in a standalone window. Live chart types
Matrix Information about linked and related items in a configurable table format. Adding matrix reports
Release Planning Detailed information for planning a project, release, or iteration. Release planning reports
Release Status Detailed information for tracking and communicating the status or progress of a project, release, or iteration. Release status reports
Time Tracking Information that helps with tracking and communicating actual work performed on items. Time tracking reports
Traceability Detailed information for performing coverage analysis and viewing relationships between requirements and related items in a project. Traceability reports
Trend Issue, requirement, requirement document, test case, or manual test run workflow events entered over time. Use to determine the efficiency of a project. A chart to display items in a timeline may also be included. Adding trend reports

Note:  Reports from external reporting services, such as SQL Server Reporting Services or Crystal Reports, can also be added to Helix ALM. External reporting gives you access to more data in the project databases, provides more flexibility and control of the report content and layout, and offers more output format options. Ask your administrator for help. See Adding external reports to Helix ALM.