Requirement and document indicators

The following indicators are displayed in documents to point out additional information about requirements and documents.

Icon Indicates:
The requirement or document is locked. Click the lock to view more information. See Viewing item lock information.
The requirement or document is marked as suspect because a related item changed. Click the flag to view the dependencies. See Investigating suspect dependencies.
The requirement is shared with another document.
The requirement changed since the last document snapshot was created. This indicator is displayed if the following changes occur:
  • The requirement Summary, Date Entered, Entered By, Importance, Description, or a custom field value was modified
  • The requirement type changed
  • A requirement custom field was added or removed from the project by an administrative user
  • A workflow event was added to the requirement
You are editing the requirement and the changes have not been saved.
You cannot edit the requirement because you do not have security permissions to edit it, it is locked for editing by another user, you are editing it in the Edit Requirement dialog box, or it is locked through the workflow. A message that explains the reason you cannot edit the requirement is displayed. If you are already editing the requirement, click Go To to go to the Edit Requirement dialog box.