Appending requirements to documents

If a requirement in the document you are working on applies to another document, you can append the requirement to the end of the other document without opening it. If the appended requirement has child requirements, they are also appended to the document. Appended requirements can be shared between documents or a new copy of the requirement can be appended.

1. Open the Specification Document window for the document that contains the requirement to append. Make sure Document View is selected.

2. Right-click the requirement to append and choose Append to Requirement Document.

The Select Requirement Document dialog box opens.

3. Select the document to append the requirement to.

To find a document, you can search, go to a specific document number, apply a filter, or select the <Recent Items> filter to view a list of recently accessed documents.

4. Click Select.

The requirement is appended to the document. If any of the selected requirements are already in a requirement document, you are prompted to either copy or share the requirements. Click Copy to copy the requirements and add the copies to the selected requirement document. Click Share to share the existing requirements with the selected requirement document.